to counter HRC's inevitable presidential candidacy. It will be a neat trick if Hillary runs unopposed for the Democratic nomination and on a platform that heavily favors Wall Street and the ACA . . .
I will support any Democratic nominee. But, in the primary, I will support the liberal candidate over the centrist candidate. If Senator Sanders throws down, I will support him. We need a truly progressive candidate to draw us further to the left. For the last 30ish years, we have been consistently drawn to the right. It is long overdue for us to have a true liberal, progressive candidate like Sen. Sanders take any sort of leadership in our national discussion.
I know that HRC championed healthcare reform. I know where her politics are because she has be very consistent about where they lie over the intervening years of the Clinton Administration to present day. I know that she courts monied interests more than the everyday American who actually supports the American economy. I know that she votes for the wealthy to pay more than the middle class. I know that she balances the best with the worst of American politics. But, I still want a populist, radically liberal candidate to challenge HRC on her unstoppable march to the White House.
We, as a nation, deserve a more progressive and inclusive national political discussion about how we can all chase after and catch the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We deserve an honest and unmitigated discussion about how we can each ask what we can do for our country, rather than ask what our country can do for us. Rather than taking, we need to reinvest in the idea of giving back to the rest of the country, as much as each of us can, for the betterment of the entire US.